The Significance of Cranial and Muscular Health in Puppies

The Significance of Cranial and Muscular Health in Puppies

During their recent visit to town, my sister-in-law and brother brought along their young puppy. Observing the puppy’s peculiar gait and facial expression, they decided to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andi,  chiropractor for pets. What unfolded shed light on the vital aspects of cranial and muscular health in puppies. In this blog, we will delve into the issues identified and the subsequent actions taken by Dr. Andi.

Dr. Andi swiftly discerned that the puppy exhibited a twisted cranial bone, analogous to the misalignment of a jar lid. The cranial bones in the puppy were not in their ideal configuration, likely due to her birth or early life experiences. Ideally, these cranial bones should remain mobile and adaptable throughout a dog’s life, but when they become immobilized, complications arise.

Dr. Andi’s approach to correcting cranial issues is straightforward yet effective. By ascertaining the direction of the misalignment, he gently restores the correct alignment. This correction prompts the nervous system to respond and recalibrate. Not only does this address the immediate issue, but it also serves as a preventive measure against potential long-term complications.

The Wolf | Species Appropriate Probiotic

The gut of a wolf has not been domesticated, urbanized, or subjected to the kinds of destructive factors that a dog’s gut has been subjected to, therefore they have maintained historical bacterial diversity that no longer exists in our canine companions.

Left unattended, cranial issues can lead to an array of problems. For example, upper cervical pain may develop as the dog’s body adapts to the misalignment. Dental health can be impacted, as uneven chewing can lead to more tartar buildup on one side of the mouth. Ultimately, untreated cranial problems can manifest as neck pain, underscoring the intricate interconnection within the body.

Dr. Andi also noted that the puppy’s masticatory muscles, those responsible for chewing, exhibited hypertonicity. This could be a consequence of the cranial misalignment or vice versa, underscoring the intricate relationship between these issues. Rectifying the cranial bone alignment can alleviate muscle tension, making chewing and overall movement more comfortable for the dog.

Pet owners may not always be equipped to identify these issues independently. However, subtle signs such as unusual facial expressions, uneven eyes, or irregular sitting postures can serve as early indicators. Seeking professional assistance promptly is of paramount importance, as unresolved problems can escalate into more severe health concerns in the future.

Tune in to ‘THE RAW DOG FOOD TRUTH’ PODCAST for a more comprehensive understanding of how chiropractic care can benefit our furry companions and explore additional insights shared by Dr. Andi.

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